Stay and Train

Stay and Train

With 4-week Stay and Train program, your dog will work on basic skills and any specific goals you may have.

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Clock Icon - Veterinary X Webflow Template
4 weeks

This Service

Your dog will stay with us for 4 weeks to work on the skills they need to be successful in your home. Our Stay and Train program is always tailored to both the needs of you and your dog. We invite you to visit each week to work with your dog and learn how to continue to practice once your dog comes home. We will provide you with a minimum of 6 follow up sessions to help you troubleshoot once your dog goes home. You will also be invited to attend a variety of group classes and gain access to our private facebook group where you can ask questions, receive feedback, and Participate in periodic live Q&A sessions on Zoom.

What's Included?

  • 4-week Stay & Train
  • Individualized Feedback
  • In-Person Coaching
  • Fun Group Activities
  • & More!


Contact us for a free consultation!


Stuffed Kong: $5

Give your pup a tasty treat to engage their mind

Bully Stick: $5

Give your pup a tasty chew to engage their mind

Toy: $5

Give your dog a new toy that they get to take home with them!

Report card: $5

Get an update and photos or videos of your dog doing their thing.

1:1 Play Session: $10

Give your pup some extra individualized attention through play or cuddles

Learn the Slat Mill: $45

Teach your dog to use a dog powered treadmill to get them extra tired. Depending on your dog this may take up to 3 sessions,  if after 3 sessions your dog is still not thrilled about the Slat Mill your dog will be inelegiable for this service for 6 months.

Slat Mill: $20

30 minutes of fun fueled activity, tire your dog, and help them keep in shape rain or shine.  Grooming (price varies by size of dog and service)

Go Home Bath: $15

Brush Out: $10

Get all that loose or tangled hair taken care of! Availability varies on coat condition

Nail Trim (cut): $15

Nail Grinding (rounded): $20

Get a FREE Training Consultation!

Ready to build a strong foundation with your dog? Contact us today for a FREE consultation!

Book Now!

Ready to build a strong foundation with your dog? BOOK NOW!

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two small dogs on a dog cotlab holding leash in its mouth